Self-help Science Projects

Laboratory Instruction Manual (LIM) and The New Approach Primary Science Kit


To further demonstrate the importance of science, RIFI-STI has formed a partnership with schools to set up science projects. These projects enable learners to apply classroom knowledge and acquire skills that will help them in their daily life at home, school, and after they finish or leave school.

Project Goals

Our Projects

The learners participate in projects like piggery, poultry, school gardening, science and technology inventions among others. The projects stimulate the creativity and knowledge application of the learners that promotes societal hands-on problem-solving.

1. Laboratory Instruction Manual (LIM)

Project Goal

To promote the practical use of laboratories and quality learning/teaching of science in Secondary Schools in Uganda.

Why are these books unique?

Despite the Government’s efforts to adopt a learner-centered and new practical approach to teaching science, reading materials that promote the practical teaching and learning of science remain few in primary schools. STI is therefore seeking partnerships and resources that will make these books available to all schools especially those in disadvantaged and vulnerable communities.

2. The New Approach Primary Science Kit

The New Approach Primary Science kit is a Mini/mobile Laboratory comprised of teaching-learning apparatus that the teacher would find hard to improvise. The kit is curriculum-based and it includes modules necessary for learning science practically like the microscope, pulleys, magnetic system, electric kit, among others. The kit includes modules of the human body organs and a system like the heart, skeleton, eye, reproductive and respiratory system among others. These modules give the learner a clear picture of what the actual organ or system is as well as an opportunity to promote creativity.

The New Approach Primary Science Kit is evaluated and recommended by NCDC and the Ministry of Education and Sports.


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