About Us

River Flow International

River Flow International (RIFI) is an education-based organization that works with teachers, senior educationists, and innovators to improve the quality of education in Africa.

Our Vision

Transforming scientific knowledge into skills for socio-economic development.

Our Goal

To promote the use of scientific knowledge and skills in solving socio-economic challenges

Our Strategy

Publication, training, self-help projects, advocacy, partnership with education stakeholders

We promote the use of scientific knowledge, best teaching practices, research, and innovation in solving socio-economic challenges.

RIFI supports teachers and innovators to develop unique learning materials that promote skill development and life-long learning and runs a comprehensive retooling and teacher- support program for all-inclusive quality education.

River Flow International partners with Education Ministries of different countries and different non-governmental organisations including Fields of Life, World Vision, Save the Children, Cotton-On Foundation, and Finn Church Aid to promote quality education in Africa.

Milestones Reached


Teachers we have trained


Schools we have worked with

Our Background

The policy of the government of Uganda has been to enable all learners at the Ordinary level to acquire scientific literacy and skills to effectively contribute to the personal, community, and national development of the country. Despite the government’s efforts to improve science education in the country, through projects like SESEMAT, the construction and equipping of laboratories, and increasing the salaries for teachers of science, the quality of science education remains wanting. Performance in science has been poor over the years as evidenced by the Pupils’ Leaving Exam (PLE), Uganda Certificate of Education (UCE), Uganda Advanced Certificate of Education (UACE) results, and National Association for Professional Environmentalists (NAPE) reports. This was to a great extent due to poor teaching, demonstrated by theoretical handling of science concepts which makes science abstract and difficult for learners. Studies have highlighted obstacles that have contributed to this situation which include but are not limited to;

  • Poor foundation for science education right from the primary education level.
  • Poor instruction methodologies.
  • Lack of sufficient and relevant instructional materials.

To bridge this gap, RIFI has resorted to projects like PPAS to develop practical teaching/learning materials, Capacity Building (CB) to retool teachers in the practical teaching methodology, 3Ls to improve literacy skills among the young learners and a Teacher Support Center (TSC) for teachers to get timely assistance from education specialists.

Team Leader's Message

“I encourage teachers to embrace the new learner-centered and practical approach to teaching science. This approach simplifies learning and allows for the application of science in solving socio-economic challenges. It also encourages the learners especially girls, to actively participate in the process of learning and motivates them to take-up science courses at higher levels of education.”

Mr. Simuka Mohammed

-Executive Director

Our Partners

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