Promoting a Practical Approach to Science(PPAS)

Primary Integrated Science-New Approach


This project aims at promoting practical teaching of science subjects. RIFI-STI develops reading, teaching, and learning materials designed by experienced teachers and consultants in the form of Teacher’s Guides and Pupil’s Books as per the National Curriculum Development Centre (NCDC) guidelines.

Project Goals

Our Projects

Our teaching and learning materials are activity-based, learner-centered, and relate to the daily life experiences of the learners to easily grasp and understand concepts. The learner-centered approach aims at developing learner autonomy and independence with a major focus on skills development and practice that enables lifelong learning and independent problem-solving. The materials are approved by NCDC and recommended by the Ministry of Education and Sports as well as the Directorate of Education Standards.

Primary Integrated Science-New Approach

Primary Integrated Science: THE NEW APPROACH

pupil’s books and teachers’ guides are based on the classroom experience that is adapted to the social and cultural context of the Ugandan society while meeting the needs of the education system.

Project Goal

The goal of the project is to improve the quality of teaching applicable and practical science right from the primary level of education and to set a foundation for science education in higher levels of education (Post-primary Education).

Why are these books unique?

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